students pulling a rope

News Articles

New Hall of Residence

1st February 2024

After three months of hard work, we are very excited to open our seventh Hall of Residence. Every single aspect of this house is brand new, including modern furniture (with plenty of storage), a comfortable bed and flooring.  A neutral colour palette was used to encourage learning in a calm environment. It features nine single…

New Foundation Courses

19th January 2024

 We are thrilled to be launching 2 brand new Foundation Courses from September 2024. Medics & Life Sciences The programme prepares students who wish to study life sciences at leading universities in the UK and beyond. The course helps students better understand their potential area of study and the College has over 30 years experience…

Photography Competition – Autumn Term

11th December 2023

In the realm of artistic expression, the boundaries of perception blur, and the Autumn Term photography competition at St. Andrew’s College Cambridge saw an entrant who embraced this ambiguity with stunning results. Amidst a sea of conventional compositions, the winning entry emerged as a beacon of innovation and abstraction, challenging viewers to reconsider their understanding…

UNLOC Membership

17th November 2023

  Our students were recently presented with the Unloc certificate for the new year. We are thrilled to still be part of this as we fully support empowering every young person to become a changemaker.

World Master Rowing Regatta

20th October 2023

On 21 September, two Cambridgeshire rowers (including your faithful Digital Marketing Manager) took part in the World Rowing Master Regatta in South Africa, and St.Andrew’s College, Cambridge was kind enough to sponsor the boat rental. “The boat was an absolute beauty, thank you!!”

Back to School

7th September 2023

Welcome Back to School!! Four days into the brand new academic year, we had our first official extra-curricular excursion to Grantchester Meadows. Both returning and new students were treated to a delicious Cream Tea at The Orchard Tea Garden.

Graduation Ball

13th June 2023

  On Friday, 9 June, we held our graduation bash at Sancton Wood School Balloons were inflated, music was pumping, dancefloor moves were epic, and the food was delicious. We had a record number of students graduating after completing A-Levels or University Foundation Courses. Congratulations to them all!!

Year End Celebration Assembly

5th May 2023

  On Tuesday morning, 2 May, we had our last Student Assembly for the year (can’t believe it’s that time already). We had a packed house, gave out plenty of awards and ate loads of cake. Congratulations to all our students and thank you for your hard work. Awards handed out include: – British Biology…

Future Leaders

27th April 2023

  This past weekend, 23 students who have been accepted into the future leader’s program went to Bawdsey Manor PGL Adventures Centre for a weekend packed full of activities. They participated in raft building, the giant swing, zip wire, climbing, trapezing, and rifle shooting. The students were brilliant throughout the weekend and always encouraged each…

A member of the St Andrew’s family is a member for life!

1st March 2023

Our regional manager, Vickie, met up with Ilva, one of our alumni in Albania where she works as an architect.  Ilva did her A Levels with us and graduated in 2011 with A*, A*, A*.  She went onto study Architecture at Cambridge University.  We always try to stay in touch with our Alumni, because once…